I have went over this a million times in my head, in my plans. Everyone has mixed feelings about it but ultimately its up to you and the decision you choose. I was introduced to it a few years ago when I was younger. I remember thinking "This shit is nuts." No eating? We are going to die. This past winter I did it for about 15 days. I can honestly say I felt so many emotions, my mind was clearer, I felt better, I was able to rid my cold w/in a day or two and i usually stay sick for up to a week. I was ecstatic to lose those pounds too!
My relationship with food is ruining my progression with the cleanse. I have become so dependant on eating my feelings i cannot even start or finish the cleanse like I have conquered before. How does mind over matter work? Because that all it at the end of the day. I always aim for 40 days. It seems rather easy. How to I schedule things to work?
posted by Chentana on master cleanse, mind journey, weight lost
I was (still kind of am) an emotional eater the effects didn't catch up with me until recent years. I had to dig dig dig to get to the root but it turned out to be a combination of self hate, depression, and not being conscious of what was going into my body.
cleanses are a good way to jump start healthier eating habits and begin a healthier lifestyle in general. Done correctly they can be a way to wean you off certain dependencies on food and clear the clutter in your mind. 40 days is excessive for the master cleanse, because the body needs nutrients to properly function which the master cleanse doesn't provide long term nor does it claim to.
I personally have done several different kinds of cleanses and fasts in the past, meat fast, vegetable and fruit only cleanse etc
walking into these kinds of things the way to stay motivated is to keep in mind what the goal is, what your fire behind taking it there is. And to be kind to your body. The master cleanse is difficult especially if your going to that with a dysfunctional relationship with food.
it is just my opinion, but from one emotional eater to another , but, do a food fast first, once you have your eating under control the master cleanse can be done way easier and from a more positive mind set.
for cleanses in general you want to be able to have a lot of down time so you can rest, a toilet for all the cleansing to land, and a journal is nice to jot down how you feel.
whatever approach you take I hope it goes well.
Thank you for this! this helped alot on my perspective.