-first things, 1st I would like to thank @justnancyp (via twitter) for this subject.
What I am about to do is really brave, but its needed to free a part of myself. To release the sadness, to overcome the obstacles, To honestly be THE best me, I figure I would have to break down the issues. Ask For Help, except criticism. Love myself enough TO truly love and appreciate my dreams.
I can do so many things but for some strange reason I am so scared of me. I say I want these things but why not strive to be the best and make the best happen with these things?
Pros and Cons. Fears and Sorrows. Friends and Foes. HATE that i LOVE to hate YOU.
posted by Chentana on bullcraposity, imjustsaying, love sucks, realtalk
REAL TALK!!! :D I really enjoy your blog!
This was very simple, but it definitely triggered me thinking about where I was in May of this year. Prior to that, I was entirely independent, great job, man that I "loved", and surrounded by the best friends that I thought a girl could have. After one little change sent my world in a tailspin, I had to do a lot of thinking and eliminating. I learned that you have to have some things taken away from you simply because you did not appreciate them and need to realize that everyday that you wake up, you are blessed. That 'those' friends will come and go depending on the weather, and you will appreciate the ones that are still there for you no matter what. At the end of the day, when one thing after another went wrong, I learned that I was not a quitter, and it was up to me to start in the direction that I was supposed to be going and why it's so important. I am in a better position than I was before, I thank God that I went through that because I am definitely a better bitch for it and will never be back in that predicament because I learned the lesson that I was supposed to from it all.
Thanks for having this blog that I so kindly laid my shit bare on...
Your baby innerself